Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Picture a day...

Good morning!

It's been a while since we have posted anything on the Haiti Life blog here!

As you can see, the gardens have been doing very well!

The corn is about 8 feet tall by now.

Unfortunately for the crops, there has been almost too much rain!

Looking up towards the well, you can see how muddy everything is!

However, today the sun is shining, and the prospect of a bright day is great!

A chicken picks about in the gravel outside the clinic...

One of the neighbor children watches on as life goes by along the main road.

Outside the temporary clinic sits several market-style shacks where some women cook food for hungry patients...

Andrew continues his metal work, preparing window grates for the new clinic.

One last look outside the back of the mission compound, where the hills turn upward into a mountainous range.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a well?! When? Keep working for the Lord of all He is worthy.
