Monday, March 11, 2013

Still Digging!!!

   It's been a few days since I updated this blog now, so I will try to let you know what has been happening with this second well since Saturday. It's harder to keep posting as often with the rig being of the yard and having less people so I get to help now to at times.
      Saturday morning at 6 most of the guys went up to the orphanage to hand load a load of red clay and then came back and shoveled the hole full, 60 feet deep, so they mixed some bentonite and super gel and started drilling again to try and seal of the well so the water won't seep away, but then almost right away they hit solid rock and shortly after they lost the well again, sounded like there were crevices that sucked the water up. So the only other option was to keep drilling, but with air, so Ivan started drilling more rods in and today, (Monday) they are almost at the 200 foot mark again, we are pretty sure there is water to be had if we can get all the casing in no problem, it is totally unpredictable it seems and all we can do is try every avenue and hope one of them works.
   As I write this they are finishing with the last rod and the next step is to bring all the rods up, and try and put the casing down, if it works then it will take a little while to put the rock down that surrounds the casing and also put the piping in to blow out and clean the well.
    I will try to keep you posted as much as possible and we want to thank and also keep reminding all of you to pray as we continue, especially that the community as a whole will be blessed with pure water.
Harvey, Ivan, and Glenden.
Loading water and casing and a couple more drill rods.


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