Sunday, December 21, 2014

The new far.

As many of you already know, the church project is once again under way. Several weeks ago the Bosses from Ti-goave came up and started work. They first finished digging the trench for the footer and then built the rest of the two foot thick rock wall for the foundation. Now they are working on laying the block walls. 

So far all the work at the site itself is being done by Haitions. But we have to keep all the supplies there for them so they can keep working. Donny and Hans and I have hauled many loads of sand and rock from the river bed and cement and blocks from here at the mission up to the building. Much of it we have been doing with the small machines, but we were able to use Don Weaver's truck as well, so I spent several days hauling 
with that. 

Rain has been somewhat of a problem as far as working on the church is concerned because it does not take much to make the trail too muddy and slippery to drive a truck of supplies back here. But we are still thankful for it bcause it means water for the gardens and water in our cisterns. 

All this for us right now means more work and more stress. But I've seen it over and over that God's grace is sufficient and He never gives us more than we can handle. And we are all blessed to have a great group of people here to work with. Even the Haition Boss has surprised Donny and I at how well we can work with him and how much patience he has with me especially when trying to communicate with him with my limited creole vocabulary. 

Hauling rocks with the bobcats. Although this kind of work is hard on them (I look at things from a mechanic's prospective) I don't know what we would do without them. 

Shoveling a load of sand on the dump truck took around 45 minutes.

A Haitian truck load of blocks on its way to the church almost got stuck turning around because of all the rain. 

The church from inside as it looks right now.