Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Quiet Saturday....

......what a concept!  No knocks on the gate, no births or trips out to town or lacerations of any degree!  Unbelievable.  So, we decided to tackle a few of those "been wanting to get that done" kind of projects.

Mali and Kin took on the flowerbeds behind the house.  Looking good!

Some of the rest of us headed up to Elise's house to fix a bit of a problem with  her roof....seems the termites had done a number on one of the purlins and now the edge of the tin tended to flap in the breeze.
Gotta get it just the right length....
(And yes, it's exactly what it looks like...we talked Hans into the project, then hung out with the kids and watched him do the actual work. =)
I tried to figure out how to do Mika's hair...harder than it looks! :)
While Whit hung out with this cutie, who didn't love the camera.
Elise came out to check the final product, and was all smiles.  (That's her, in the red, ignoring me as I photo shoot her house. :)
Think it'll hold, Whit??
Meanwhile, back at HQ, some others had taken it upon themselves to work on the gazebo, a lengthy "short term" project we've been trying to finish.
Ellamae and Eugene helped mix...
....and Julian poured.  
Then we all wrapped up the day in our very favorite-est way....Happy Birthday, Kin!!!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Church benches

Thanks to the team from PA. we now have new church benches. They started with angle iron and planks and made some rather comfortable sitting devices capable of holding up to 12 people. Well this is Haiti you know. :)

Painting the boards 

Painting the frames

The finished product 

Lord bless you all.