Friday, August 30, 2013

Weekly Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests
- Pray for God`s guiding hand to show us how to go about teaching and discipling the young men and ladies in our weekly youth meetings we started last week. 

- Pray for our newly converted neighbor, Eval, he was born again this past Sunday, and is physically quite ill, he needs not lots prayer and encouragement.

- Pray for the leaders as they lead the church, that Christ and only Christ will be the head of the church here in the Allegre Valley.

- The cock fight gambling shack just outside the compound has been falling apart quite quickly the last month, piece by piece, yesterday they took it down all the way. Rumors are they will be rebuilding so they can use it for December again. Pray that God would put His mighty hand down hard on the project.

- Keep praying that all the American staff would grow closer to God each day, He has blessed us with a close family relationship.

Praise The Lord
- For His constant show of power and faithfulness in keeping us, and drawing people to Himself, even in the midst of constant bombardment from the enemy.

- For health and strength for the staff to keep spreading the Gospel in our daily work, in clinic, on compound, home visitations, giving a cup of cold water.

- For the leaders who are hungry for further teaching so that they can spread the Truth in a clear and powerful way.

- For the young, they seem to be hungry for teaching. 

- For God`s protection on us as we constantly travel the trails, we don`t know what all He is protecting us from.

- For hearts who are preparing to come to work in the fields here in Haiti. We don`t know who but we know He is preparing someone.

- For the safe return of brother Darwin to the states.

Youth............The future leaders of the church.

   This past weekend we had our first youth meeting with all the youth. On Saturday before the leaders meeting Brother Darwin spent an hour talking with the youth and answering questions. It seem there is some hunger there for a deeper christian walk. Pray for them and that we know which direction to go with teaching and discipling them.
   They asked if Darwin could meet with them again on Sunday after church sometimes, which we did, he shared on choices, I gave a short testimony and Anita shared a bit as well. Pastor Levy asked us to join him each Saturday in meeting with him and all the youth. I am really looking forward to that. It's a big need. Anita does a small Bible study with some of the girls already and more are starting to show up there as well. So in the future I hope we can start one for the boys as well. More one on one especially with those that are from badly broken homes or that aren't well liked at all. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Another Soul Saved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   It has been quite a story to try and keep up with the last couple weeks because things seem to be happening almost faster then what I can keep up with but I'll try my best to tell it.
   Eval is young man I would guess around 30 years old, he lives right beside the trail about half way to church. Actually right beside the community well that we dug. Grandpa Harold hired him along time ago already to take care of his horse. But sadly Eval is not a Christian. He often has big parties at his place and also drink a lot, (A LOT) besides. That has finally caught up with him. He is very sick. Internal bleeding, seems to be in liver and kidney failure and probably much more. So we have been sending him out for tests to the Seventh Day Adventist hospital in Port Au Prince. Today he has another set of test to do to determine what the problem is. (We will do updates on his health on the clinic blog in the near future)
   About two weeks ago he came with Deacon Noaz to talk to Steve, Noaz had told him he needed Jesus in his heart, and that he shouldn't die without Jesus. He got upset for some reason. Anyway this past Friday he came home from the hospital, and we right away noticed a difference in the way he was speaking, he seemed to be under conviction. 
   On Sunday afternoon we were driving back from a youth meeting at church and his wife came out and told us he wants to get converted. Some of us drove up there and the pastors grilled him, he told us he doesn't want to get converted cause he's sick, or because he's scared to die. He told us he's promised others he will one day come to church and follow Jesus, and in the hospital God has been working in his heart, and he knows he's a sinner and needs to repent. So we had the joyful experience to lead him through to Jesus right there. 
   Pray much for him as he does tests and starts treatment of some kind. Also much more that he grows in the knowledge of Jesus, and that he would rise up if God gives him longer to live, to serve and and spread the Gospel. Also for us to be there to teach and disciple him as he grows up to be a man in the faith.

Eval sitting on a covered bamboo mat, he could hardly
sit still for 5 seconds, he was in bad pain.
Leading him through to Jesus, it was nice to have brother Darwin there as

Pastor Levy, Pastor Jeera and Pastor Darwin. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pastor Training

   I would first like to say thank you for being patient with us this last week, as we've had little or no internet and we couldn't do any blogging. But we will try and catch up with what happened from here on. Although it might not be daily we will be back on our regular scedule again.

   Brother Darwin came last Tuesday and stayed for a week, we were very very blessed with his visit and encouragement he was to us. Keep it up brother, and thank you for your effort and time you spent in teaching the young people new truths from the Bible, and opening and making clear more doctrines and sound truths to the many pastors in the time you were here. It really inspired me to keep plodding and do my part. Below is a glimpse of one of the things Darwin's visit consisted of. 

Brother Darwin "panting" up the mountain to the Kumjon church building. He is carrying
a walker, (he might need it up ahead!!!!!) Actually it is a gift to Pastor Denaya's sister Rose,
who is a tiny lady, that is crippled from Polio, and she teaches school in the Labish
church. She is a huge inspiration to many around.

Brother Darwin through his faithful translator, Finell, is teaching on James 5, where is
talks about anointing the sick.

Although he wasn't sure how this teaching would be taken because of the history and things that are happening in Haiti with different religions abusing the anointing thing, God used it mightily and although a lot of them have had bad experiences etc, they all agreed that it's in the Bible and no matter how others abuse it we must teach and disciple our people in all these areas and practice it.

Praying for the many needs and the power of God to descend so that they can lead the sheep in a straight path.

Huge potential, but who will come and teach them, they were so delighted for those few hours of teaching, and they've asked for a lot more, but we need workers, we need a steady stream of men who can come even for a few days, and go through the Word of God and teach these men, so that they can teach the people. I can't begin to express the thrill I felt in my heart as they shared their hunger for teaching. And how they want to teach their people new truths.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Prayer Requests.

Pray for continued growth in the body of Christ here in this area. For the leaders to teach the simple Gospel of Jesus and His Holy walk.

For Jon and Glenden as they are praying and planning to start a Bible study for the young men on a weekly bases.

For the staff that we would grow closer to Jesus each day because that's the only way for us to minister to the needy souls.

For Deacon Marks mother who had a stroke and is here in hospital room.

For the girls as they walk and visit older ladies and widows. For protection and clear minds to be able to minister. Also the girls Bible study and children's class. That God will make the seeds grow.

Especially pray that their would rise up some families who want to sell out and come work in this little area for God.

For the upcoming leaders meeting on Monday at the Kumjon church. Darwin is here and he is planning to preach there in Monday.

Praise God that Darwin made it here safely and it's special because its like grandpa is here.

Praise God for health and strength to deal with all the births we've had again this week.

For constant protection when different ones traveled the trail this week.

For faithful men that stand tall on their knees for the church. In good and bad times.


Our Internet is down. Just thought we'd let you know why we aren't blogging this week.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Well 1, 2, 3, and 4.

   Well #1---- The well at Rhonda's Orphanage. There is some water sitting in it currently although we don't know how much or if there is some going to be coming in at a steady pace or if this is just slowly draining in over a period of time.

   Well #2---- Don Weavers well seems to have water in it as well, we do not know how much or if it would be on a continual bases once he starts pumping it.

   Well #3---- The community well, seems to have little to no water, but we've checked it a couple times. The first time there was 17 feet sitting in 380 foot depth, the second time there was more. As of now it doesn't look hopeful at all.

   Well #4---- The mission well was shooting out water when the well diggers were cleaning it out with air, it seemed to be doing it on a continual bases and the same amount. They cases that well because of cave in's, but again we can't tell how much there is in it, and where it's from. Ivan said he figures there is around 2 gallons a minute coming form it, which if actually so, could amply supply the mission daily and the community as well. Again that depends on how good the well is, and if the water is good enough for consumption.

   We are waiting for fittings, for pipe, for different stuff to find out how good each well is. I will try and send an update once that is all completed. At the moment I can just say that this is Haiti, and we don't know when we'll know!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Seeds spread everywhere, Are they good seeds or bad seeds????????????

   This morning I went out walking along the trail a bit, and I came across a bunch of young boys between the ages of 5 and 10 playing with a ball that had no air in it. They asked me to come and play with them so I spent awhile playing with them.  It was special being part of them and playing with them even though I can't speak the language well at all.
   Pretty soon one of them ran of and brought back a 101 Bible Story book for me to read to them, he pointed out which one I should read, it was about Jesus being crucified, even though I can't speak the language it's not hard to read. I enjoyed reading it to them and I was surprised that some of the older ones actually got quiet as I read the account. They must have understood what was said.
   Tuesday the girls were setting up and doing their little story telling time and singing with the children at the clinic, this morning Shana was working with the moms and their babies, giving them milk and instructing them about a lot of different things. I watched as a sad countenance was lifted at the clinic as one of the deacons prayed with a man there. I watched as another church brother gave a sad young man a hug and prayed with him and told him to look for One named Jesus. Many times I like just going places and watching people and how they lift their hands in praise or prayer to God either for themselves or for others. Just last week I drove to one of the cell groups in Basionette with pastor Jeera and his wife, we got there and people started streaming in. Usually there are 15 or so, but I was surprised that not only 15 or 20 showed up but I counted closer to 35 packed under the simple pole structure. Deacon Mark preached on the fullness of Christ and how we can't please God without faith. He spoke about the jealousy God has for each person, and how He can't use him unless his WHOLE life is surrendered. I looked around the group and saw 10 young men sitting there, whom I've never seen before and I could see the void in their hearts drawing them, I don't know how many are born again, but I could see the way they were listening and crying out to God that they were seeking. And then I remember the Words of Jesus. "Whoever seeks will find"..............
   Seeds are amazing, in order for them to grow and multiply they have to die first, and once they start growing they bear way more then one. It's a miracle to me. But the sad reality is that sin and evil seeds are the same way, and those weeds when not taken care of can choke out the good seeds. We need prayer warriors, not just for the mission here but for the churches at home. That Jesus will reign, that He would be the head of everyone's life, and not the affections of each person, which then turns into us making our own Bible with our lives.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Take a tiny peek behind the scenes.

I found Alex sitting on the retaining wall yesterday
morning eating toast and eggs for breakfast and just
enjoying the beginning of another interesting day.
Pastor Sujeh (CJ) comes every few weeks for a night, and he likes his coke.
He looks satisfied and Alex and Glenden look like they're pleased that they
remembered to give him one before he ever asked for it.
Cherie really enjoys pringle's when they show up at the mission.

Seetwons!!!!!!! "mmmmmm", just took a picture after I cut some up, they are
not quite the size of a golf ball, much like lime or lemons, but way better, we
press them, add sugar water and ice and there's nothing like it (maybe ice
cream) on a hot sunny day.
Glenden welding a corn grinder for someone with the gate guard looking on.
It seem that often times those small little cold cups we give minister more then
preaching to their faces. Often people will come for temporal needs and hear
the gospel whereas we will never see them. So if it means welding something
for a motto driver that is quite riotess and win his friendship it's worth it all.

Monday, August 12, 2013

A "truly" relaxing weekend.

   We packed up our bags Friday around noon and headed out to Ti Goave then south west about 3 hours or so to Port Salut, where we booked a small resort for a few days. It is a annual happening, and this time we felt it was much needed, we've been very busy and the last couple weeks were even more so with the well digging happening. Also was special because Shana's brother Sam was helping with the well digging and he could be with us for the weekend. 
   The resort wasn't new and fancy, it was beautiful though, very rustic looking and quiet. There is no public beach there, so the ocean was for viewing only, there were hardly any people there at the resort till towards the end of our stay, and they mainly stayed the night then went on to where the beach was on Sunday for a big festival that was happening. So it was a perfect place to relax in a comfortable environment with little to no usual stuff happening on the beach.
   Saturday late afternoon we drove 5 minutes south to where the beach was and we saw it was totally empty so we did enjoy the sand and the water awhile.

The nurses are eating breakfast.

Cherie learning early how to play poole.

Saw quite a few dug out canoes pass buy. We also watched two Haitians
release their nets and pull them back into the canoe.

The steps down to the water fall. 

The water fall.

Where we ate.

We went to the beach once for a couple hours, beach was totally empty.
I miss the sunsets a lot, in the mountain's we rarely see them.

Steve, Alex, Glenden and Sam sitting waiting for food.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

This Weeks Prayer And Praise Update......

- Please praise God for safety He granted for the well drillers and all those involved running up and down the trails at night to get parts.

- Praise God for souls saved, for God granting us more and more opportunity's to spread the Word of God.

- Praise God for dry wells, we don't what God has in that yet, but we're praying God would open the veins and we would see water pushing up out of the well, right now the community well don't have water or very little. Keep praying with us.

- Praise God, today we had lots of problems with the well digger, but around 6 this evening things turned around and rod after rod is going down and there is actually a lot of water coming out.

- Please pray that the well won't see no cave in's at all, and that the water would keep going.

- Keep praying for the protection of all the missionaries in Haiti, especially for safe travel when alone on the mountains trails.

- That the temporal work God has given us to do would be used as a avenue to further the kingdom of God, and not get into the rut of getting the work done to keep things going, but do it heartily and see the souls and the people through the eyes of Jesus.

- Pray for continued strength and clearness of mind for the nurses as they deal with so many different sicknesses and diseases.

- Pray for Mis Joseline, one of the Haitian nurses, she isn't a believer but often we see tears in her eyes, the other day Shana gave her a Bible and she is so proud of it and uses it faithfully.

- Pray for the church as God is stirring in people hearts and lives. He wants a pure bride.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Community Well

   The well digger moved to Alègue yesterday around 11:30 AM from Don's, they unloaded and the compressor, moved up to the community well, set up and by 2:30 were starting to drill. They pushed in a 20 foot piece of 10 inch PVC casing because this well caved in the first 20 or so feet quite badly, so once that casing was in they started drilling with a nine inch bit, by 8 Tuesday night they had dug to 80 feet and put down the 6 inch casing.
   By this time there was no more cave in and it had started bringing all the mud and rock up out of the hole, which tells us it's past any cave in. This morning they're digging all the way down and putting the four inch down. I haven't heard if they're getting water out of it though. After they're done that they'll be moving down here to re drill the mission well.

Pushing in the 10 inch casing.

The well digger set up at the community well.

Grandpa Harold. Sometimes he wears a hat that says, "I owe, I owe, now of
to work I go. I'm not sure if he is working now!!!!!!!! He works so hard and
we miss him lots when he is gone for a week at a time to Cayes and Port for
literature distribution.

Lots of on lookers, when all was said and done around 8 in the evening, one
of them said, why are you quitting, there's not water yet :)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Praise the Lord

They pulled out the rods and put a weighted rope down and they the water was sitting at 100 feet. We are all so excited and praising the Lord.
We're waiting for grandpa Harold to come back with casing and once they've put the casing in they will move down here to re-drill the community well. Which we know had water when we were drilling it in February.
Praise God with us. Wow.

Well Digging Correction An Update.

I sent an update this morning saying that they are moving to another place and starting to drill a totally different well at Dons because of that cave in.
Just before they pulled the rig down Ivan called some experienced well drillers and asked them some advice. They told him if you can keep drilling and you have no problem with jamming the rods and bit tight then just keep going.
The reason it would jam up is because if he keeps drilling and the area keeps collapsing it could very well jam it so bad that they wouldn't be able to get it out at all. But that didn't happen and by around 3 they had most of the rods in till 385 feet. Because the water and air disappear into the cave in at the 165 foot mark they can't tell at all if they've found water.
The plans are to pull the rods then after a few hours put a weighted rope down to see if anythings caved and close the well of and if there is water. If there is water they will just put the casing is and keep moving. Lets pray for the best.

Well update, etc.

   Finally I'm finding enough time to write another well digging update, and show you some other interesting pictures.
   Last Wednesday evening they got done drilling the well at Rhonda's, It seemed to have little or no water in it, but this morning grandpa went and dropped a weighted string down and there was 150 feet of water in the well, about 200 gallons, so we are thinking that there is at least some seeping through the walls of the well and collecting, so we are quite excited that there is at least a little bit of water.
   Wednesday night they moved the rig and everything down to Don Weavers place, another orphanage that is starting up very soon. They dug to 165 feel by early afternoon on Thursday, but they hit another cave in, so we mixed up some gooey stuff with water and poured it down, hoping it would harden over the weekend and then come Monday it would be hard, and when we drill it would have sealed of the cave in. But sadly it didn't. So they are right now in the process of moving to another spot on the same place to start drilling again.
   The well diggers are only here till this coming Saturday, so they have to clean up Friday and fold the truck up. Right now it seems like they might just finish that well they are starting now. So they won't be moving down to Allegre to re drill the community well and the mission compound well unless everything goes perfect.
   Maybe now that we stop expecting the best, and we have started to expect the unexpected, which is that we won't get any good wells, we will punch a few good ones.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Expect the Unexpected"!!!!!!!!!! 
   You can all join us and keep praying for everything to work out good. The rainy season is over, we haven't had more the 2 tenths of rain the last few weeks, the big cistern is dry and the small one is going down fast, so we'll be running hoses again till the spring runs dry. Hurricane season started June 1 and ends at the end of December, but so far we've had one tropical storm come pass by but it only dropped half an inch. Thanks a lot for the support.
This is what the rock looks like that they had to dig through, it's harder then anything that I've seen and worked with in a long time.
Starting the first well at Don Weavers place.
The mud being blown up the whole as they're drilling.
Don Weavers, orphanage.
Part of the view from the Don's place, when it's clear we can see the
Caribbean Sea very clearly, amazing.

A little "horse", for all I know it's got donkey, monkey and mule mixed in!!!!!

Bunch of older men sitting around outside the clinic telling me they're "grangu",
when I told them that I'm hungry to, they figured it's a big joke.

Adding some extra security to the pharmacy to keep sticky hands of the shelf.

Caught Cherie lovingly picking a flower.

Jackson, one of our gardeners got married this past
Saturday, he had a table and a bed made by one of the
neighbors. Amazing what you can do with 3 or 4 hand
The bed.
Were hauling cement from Grafu to Mdm Pastors house
and we watched one of Michael's workers rock this big
Zandolit out of a tree, they eat and harm the gardens.

Alex is stretching his math abilities, here he is helping Glenden and myself
count ibuprofen, and re package them into smaller bags.

Banana tree, Never tasted bananas as good as the ones
that are left on tree until ripe. 

Nathan is unloading some cement.

If you look closely you will notice this a Haitian cook shack, and they have
pumpkin vines strung all over it for more growing room!!!!!!!!!