Monday, April 2, 2012

The two "parades"

There's been a lot of activity around here over the weekend! The Rara season is beginning to start up, where groups of Haitians gather together in a satanic worship service. This usually involves blowing of trumpets, whistles, clanging metal objects together, with lots of loud yelling and singing. They parade along, traveling down the trails and mountainsides, chanting out their songs. Often they'll start around midnight and continue through the night, keeping people awake and disturbing the peace, finishing up the next morning.

There was a very loud, long Rara that occurred Saturday night... it was quite the experience for those of us that didn't have earplugs :) About every 2 hours they would march right by the mission compound fence, making such a racket that it woke pretty much everyone up! The sad part for us isn't necessarily the fact that we loose sleep over the noise, but the sad fact that these people are in such bondage to the powers of darkness... they need Christ, just like the rest of us do!

The interesting thing was that on Saturday morning, there was a group of Christians walking down the mountainside, singing and preaching. The difference between the two groups was quite amazing!

Take a look at these video clips and see the contrast:

This first one is of the Christians coming down the mountain.

And this... is the Rara...

Please pray for us as we try to minister the light of the Gospel to these people- they are hardened by their sinful practices, and are in need of much prayer...

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