Friday, July 27, 2012

July 26th, 2012

Well, yesterday Dan and Martha left in the morning to go visit their son at CAM (in Port au Prince). After that they'll be headed back to the States. We will miss them a lot! They brought such a beautiful element to the mission- to have so much wisdom, experience and love present here was indeed a tremendous blessing!

The night before, we had a good old fashioned hot-dog roast over an open fire. We sang and talked and  just had a grand time. It was the perfect way to end their visit here. Ah, good memories that we'll carry on for quite some time, I'm sure...

But with them leaving, the girls had a lot of cleaning to do; bedding, bedrooms and cleaning everything else up. Their room will be used by our next "House Parents", Dave and Mary Grice, who arrive next week. We might even try painting the room (since it's been in need of a new coat for a while :) before they arrive, but we'll have to see how that goes!

Anyhow, clinic went smoothly for the nurses until a mother arrived with her 4 month old baby. The child could hardly breathe and had a lot of fluid or mucus in its lungs. The nurses put it on oxygen and watched it carefully.

At around 2pm they decided it would need to be on oxygen for at least another 24 hours- the only problem was that we didn't have that enough oxygen to do that. We only had about 12 hours worth left. So, it was decided that some of us would take the mother and baby out to Leagonne (not entirely on the spelling for that...) where they have a nice hospital. You can read about all those adventures on the clinic blog tomorrow :)

The rest of the day went well without incident, thankfully :) It was a nice 90 degrees in the middle of the day, with scattered clouds and some wind. It threatened to rain at one point in the afternoon (I know, many of you back home would love to have some...) but thankfully didn't until late at night.

Thankfully for the trip out to town with that mother and baby, but unfortunate for those of us who drove back home around 10:30pm! We got a good soaking rain :) But when we arrived, we were greeted with a nice warm supper of chili! It was the perfect ending to a long day...

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