Wednesday, August 8, 2012

August 8th, 2012

Today has been very rainy and damp! The rain clouds rolled in around noon and brought some high winds and heavy rain for a little while. Thankfully it was sunny in the morning, so we were able to do some laundry then :)

Probably the biggest happening today was Michael and Virginia's departure- they're going to the States for Thea's wedding (many of you remember or know Thea; she was a nurse here) and will be gone for about a week. Tomorrow Grandpa Harold and Anita leave for the same wedding. It'll be a challenge not having any fluent Creole speakers around! But thankfully Michael's friend Wilmond will be arriving tomorrow and will act as our translator the whole time they're gone.

Other than that, today has been pretty much normal. I went around and grabbed some pictures of everyone's activities... :)

Josh is working on the new clinic doors.

These grates will go over the existing doors and provide more protection against forced entry :)

Like I said, it's been rainy here this afternoon!
Take a look at the this, dark clouds... :)

Going inside, Abi and Dave roll out some cinnamon rolls as a special treat for the travelers...

Mary and Caleb work on some Creole lessons in the living room.

Caleb is using the computer program called Byki.
He's learning fast...

Breanna and Anita had different activities:
Breanna (pictured on the trail above) took a hike to the "grassy spot" 
while Anita stayed in her house, preparing for her journey.... 

Thanks for stopping by and taking a peak at our activities today!

May the Lord bless you as you serve Him!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see some Grice's down there. :) God bless you all! Jennifer Zook
