Friday, October 25, 2013

Tuesday Bible Class!

It's Tuesday afternoon and work at the clinic is finished; the children are getting out of school and the nurses are done with lunch and going back to clinic once again. This time, though, instead of medical books and medicine, they're carrying a picture board, a cardboard box, and a Bible story book.

As they walk they gather up little ones and call them to come and sit on the benches. Seeing they are lacking a few attendees, Katie heads down the road to search out the rest of the young ones. Rhoda unpacks cut-out figurines and props from the box and takes one last look at the Bible story book. It's time for the Tuesday Children's Bible class! Ah, more seeds are to be planted into their little hearts again!

Looking over the crowd there are still a few missing, but they begin anyway because time is limited today. A song selection is given and they begin to sing: "Chante Alleluia Ou Senye!" (Sing Hallelujah to the Lord, in English). Another song is requested and then a prayer given.

The story today is about Joseph. The children listen well and hear about his father's love for him, the coat of many colors, his dreams and the betrayal of his brothers. In the middle there's a small disturbance as some of the boys pick at and tease each other. Correction is given and the story goes on. Rhoda moves the cut-out characters around on the board, illustrating the account and giving visual aid to the memories of the attentive little ones. The story finishes as the brothers sell Joseph into captivity. The rest of his life's events will have to be told next time- at the next Tuesday Bible class!

The children sing one more song and have a closing prayer and begin to help carry things back to the mission. Normally there would be more visiting and sharing with them, but today there was a funeral to attend; the nurses had to go.

Children prance and crowd around as they walk back, saying farewell, giving their parting "bye-bye"s and run off, tussling and playing as they go.

It always blesses me to see these little eager lives soaking up every word and learning Biblical truths. Yes, some of them make trouble and tease, pinch, and annoy others during the class, but it seems there is a kind of hunger in their hearts to hear about the Bible and the accounts in it. Pray for them, that as they hear, as they grow, and as the nurses minister to them, they would take all these things in and allow the precious seed of the Word of God to sprout and grow in their hearts!


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