Thursday, August 15, 2013

Seeds spread everywhere, Are they good seeds or bad seeds????????????

   This morning I went out walking along the trail a bit, and I came across a bunch of young boys between the ages of 5 and 10 playing with a ball that had no air in it. They asked me to come and play with them so I spent awhile playing with them.  It was special being part of them and playing with them even though I can't speak the language well at all.
   Pretty soon one of them ran of and brought back a 101 Bible Story book for me to read to them, he pointed out which one I should read, it was about Jesus being crucified, even though I can't speak the language it's not hard to read. I enjoyed reading it to them and I was surprised that some of the older ones actually got quiet as I read the account. They must have understood what was said.
   Tuesday the girls were setting up and doing their little story telling time and singing with the children at the clinic, this morning Shana was working with the moms and their babies, giving them milk and instructing them about a lot of different things. I watched as a sad countenance was lifted at the clinic as one of the deacons prayed with a man there. I watched as another church brother gave a sad young man a hug and prayed with him and told him to look for One named Jesus. Many times I like just going places and watching people and how they lift their hands in praise or prayer to God either for themselves or for others. Just last week I drove to one of the cell groups in Basionette with pastor Jeera and his wife, we got there and people started streaming in. Usually there are 15 or so, but I was surprised that not only 15 or 20 showed up but I counted closer to 35 packed under the simple pole structure. Deacon Mark preached on the fullness of Christ and how we can't please God without faith. He spoke about the jealousy God has for each person, and how He can't use him unless his WHOLE life is surrendered. I looked around the group and saw 10 young men sitting there, whom I've never seen before and I could see the void in their hearts drawing them, I don't know how many are born again, but I could see the way they were listening and crying out to God that they were seeking. And then I remember the Words of Jesus. "Whoever seeks will find"..............
   Seeds are amazing, in order for them to grow and multiply they have to die first, and once they start growing they bear way more then one. It's a miracle to me. But the sad reality is that sin and evil seeds are the same way, and those weeds when not taken care of can choke out the good seeds. We need prayer warriors, not just for the mission here but for the churches at home. That Jesus will reign, that He would be the head of everyone's life, and not the affections of each person, which then turns into us making our own Bible with our lives.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your updates.
    I am wondering how the well drilling ended up?

    Jesse Sutherland
