Monday, August 5, 2013

Well update, etc.

   Finally I'm finding enough time to write another well digging update, and show you some other interesting pictures.
   Last Wednesday evening they got done drilling the well at Rhonda's, It seemed to have little or no water in it, but this morning grandpa went and dropped a weighted string down and there was 150 feet of water in the well, about 200 gallons, so we are thinking that there is at least some seeping through the walls of the well and collecting, so we are quite excited that there is at least a little bit of water.
   Wednesday night they moved the rig and everything down to Don Weavers place, another orphanage that is starting up very soon. They dug to 165 feel by early afternoon on Thursday, but they hit another cave in, so we mixed up some gooey stuff with water and poured it down, hoping it would harden over the weekend and then come Monday it would be hard, and when we drill it would have sealed of the cave in. But sadly it didn't. So they are right now in the process of moving to another spot on the same place to start drilling again.
   The well diggers are only here till this coming Saturday, so they have to clean up Friday and fold the truck up. Right now it seems like they might just finish that well they are starting now. So they won't be moving down to Allegre to re drill the community well and the mission compound well unless everything goes perfect.
   Maybe now that we stop expecting the best, and we have started to expect the unexpected, which is that we won't get any good wells, we will punch a few good ones.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Expect the Unexpected"!!!!!!!!!! 
   You can all join us and keep praying for everything to work out good. The rainy season is over, we haven't had more the 2 tenths of rain the last few weeks, the big cistern is dry and the small one is going down fast, so we'll be running hoses again till the spring runs dry. Hurricane season started June 1 and ends at the end of December, but so far we've had one tropical storm come pass by but it only dropped half an inch. Thanks a lot for the support.
This is what the rock looks like that they had to dig through, it's harder then anything that I've seen and worked with in a long time.
Starting the first well at Don Weavers place.
The mud being blown up the whole as they're drilling.
Don Weavers, orphanage.
Part of the view from the Don's place, when it's clear we can see the
Caribbean Sea very clearly, amazing.

A little "horse", for all I know it's got donkey, monkey and mule mixed in!!!!!

Bunch of older men sitting around outside the clinic telling me they're "grangu",
when I told them that I'm hungry to, they figured it's a big joke.

Adding some extra security to the pharmacy to keep sticky hands of the shelf.

Caught Cherie lovingly picking a flower.

Jackson, one of our gardeners got married this past
Saturday, he had a table and a bed made by one of the
neighbors. Amazing what you can do with 3 or 4 hand
The bed.
Were hauling cement from Grafu to Mdm Pastors house
and we watched one of Michael's workers rock this big
Zandolit out of a tree, they eat and harm the gardens.

Alex is stretching his math abilities, here he is helping Glenden and myself
count ibuprofen, and re package them into smaller bags.

Banana tree, Never tasted bananas as good as the ones
that are left on tree until ripe. 

Nathan is unloading some cement.

If you look closely you will notice this a Haitian cook shack, and they have
pumpkin vines strung all over it for more growing room!!!!!!!!!

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