Monday, December 9, 2013

Madam Moise

For the next little while (maybe once a week, on Mondays) I’d like to highlight some of the needs that surround us each day- a child, a mother, a clinic case, a neighbor who needs prayer; things like that. These updates are intended to help you all see some of the many needs that abound in this country.

With some of the things we’ll highlight we might ask for financial help; some we might ask for prayer; some might just be something interesting that you might just take to heart and carry in your thoughts throughout the week.

This week we’d like to request prayer for Madam Moise and her husband, Moise (for those of you who are new to Haitian culture, it’s tradition that after marriage, the wife takes on the name of her husband, adding “madam” in front). Many of you will remember her by name, since she’s been on our prayer requests many times before. You will also remember that she is the resident witch doctor, performing many of the satanic rituals which go along with voodoo practice. Her husband is also involved in a lot of spiritual activity in the community. They both have resisted the Gospel for as long as the mission has been around.

Madam Moise and Katie along the trail. 
However, quite a few months ago, Moise’s foot became infected. They tried healing it with all kinds of potions and remedies, but when it became even worse they sought help at the clinic. By then, his foot was in such bad shape that we could do nothing for him- he needed an amputation or else he would die of infection. After several weeks of going back and forth with their own family, they decided to send him to the Untied States for the operation. Some of their children live in Florida, so they sent him there.

Moise, after his amputation.
Once he came back from the operation his health improved tremendously. The stub left beneath his knee was healed and his body was able to recover from the severe infection that had been plaguing it. I could be wrong, but it seems like since that humbling experience he has been more open to listening to us when we talk to him on spiritual matters. He allows us to pray with him and seems more willing to hear us out.

Now, getting back to Madam Moise: during that whole ordeal she seemed to continue in her stubbornness and resistance to the Gospel and our little visits here and there. 

Moise's compound.
Then, Steve had his cardiac event and left for the States- and something seemed to change. Maybe she was shaken up by the sudden turn of events; maybe she realized that even a young man is susceptible to death; maybe she felt sorry for Steve and his family. I’m not sure, but she seemed far more open to talk about God, about salvation, and the way she has been serving the devil. Some people have speculated that she is just pretending; that she is simply trying to act different because of what has happened. Maybe so, maybe not. However, in any case, we have had many good talks with her- and I believe that whenever we can do that, seeds are being sown that might just take root.

Voodoo altar at the entrance.
Even though her husband is well now, we still go over to their house often to help monitor his blood pressure. This continues to give us opportunities to pray with them and speak truth into their lives. 

Would you please join us in praying for them? It would be a tremendous blow to the kingdom of the enemy if this head of satanic service were to give herself to Jesus. It’s been a prayer request for as long we’ve been here at the mission- perhaps it’s grown stale in our minds, it’s been so long. Maybe we’ve been saying to ourselves “It’s been so long, she’s just not going to give in.”

The cooking house, on the left. The tree stump on the right is somehow used in voodoo rituals...
So, we simply ask again that you pray with us, as we see the possibility of her salvation maybe closer than before. What would happen if we all pray for her, again??

Thank you all for your support, and for taking interest in God’s work here. He is and will continue to be glorified, as we give ourselves to Him in service.

God’s choicest blessings to each one of you today!

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