The Nourishing the Needy Program- where we provide milk for babies who either don't have mothers or are in need of extra nutrition.
I'm sure a lot of you are very familiar with it; recently we've added some more needy cases to the program and are having a hard time keeping up with the demand for milk.
Just today I had to speak with a little old grandma who was holding a newborn baby on her lap- she had come a couple weeks ago, seeking help. The baby's mother had died right after birth and the family had been giving it tea and sugar. She had begged us to put the baby on the Nourishing the Needy program, but we were already over budget and couldn't afford another child. Someone had donated some newborn formula when they visited a month ago, so we give her some of that. The nurses encouraged her to get their extended family to assist with the baby's needs, return for a little more formula the next week, and tell us what she was able to figure out.
She came back and said she hadn't the opportunity to ask the extended family for help. We gave her another week's supply of milk, telling her after that, we couldn't help her.
Today I was called out to the clinic; she had returned again. She was holding the baby on her lap- a contented, chubby little thing, sleeping with a peaceful look on its face, nestled in a swathe of blankets. The little grandma pleaded with me, asking again for milk. All the donated formula was gone, and the formula that was purchased for this month was reserved for the other babies on the program. The answer had to be... "no".
I discussed other options with her- the only realistic one was getting financial help from her extended family and purchasing formula for the child. She shook her head and said she didn't know and it was such a difficult situation; I felt terrible. Fighting for the strength to look her in the eye, I told her I was sorry, and that I wish I could do everything, like God. I am just human- but God can provide for her and that He knows the difficulty. She nodded and said she understood. I told her we would be praying for her and that God would take care of them. And that was it... the conversation was over. I walked away, wondering what the following weeks would hold for that little one. More tea, more sugar water, loosing weight and getting weaker and weaker- possibly dying within a month.
But maybe not? Maybe the family would pull together, provide finances for the milk and the child would continue to grow and thrive. That's my prayer, anyway...
But unfortunately, many times that isn't the case.
So, for this week I'm highlighting the Nourishing the Needy program. Several of you have already shown support in sponsoring children, and for that we are so grateful- to those families in need, we have been able to say "yes!" to their plea- but there are still so many more who are waiting. Please think about it and maybe sponsor a baby on the program. The more that are sponsored, the more we can help.
To see the Nourishing the Needy website, click this link:
God bless you all!
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